What Is a Slot?



A slot is a connection dedicated to one user on a server. It’s similar to an expansion port on a motherboard. If you’re deploying multiple apps to the same slot, they will share a common set of deployment settings. You can also mark certain app settings as “sticky,” so they aren’t swapped when the slot is reused.

In a slot machine, a player inserts cash or paper tickets with barcodes into a slot on the machine’s face to activate spinning reels that display symbols. When a winning combination appears, the machine pays out credits based on the paytable. Many slot games have a theme, with corresponding symbols and bonus features aligned with the motif.

Before microprocessors became ubiquitous, slot machines could only display about 22 different symbols on each reel, limiting jackpot sizes and the number of possible combinations. Manufacturers added microprocessors to their machines, enabling them to weight particular symbols differently from others—to give the appearance of closer winning combinations.


The volatility of a slot is how often the game pays out and how much it can win you. Low variance slots tend to payout more frequently but smaller amounts, while high volatility slots may not pay out as often but when they do, they can be very large wins. The volatility of a slot is important for gamblers to consider when choosing a game to play. This is because lower volatility slots have a higher chance of consistent small wins, while high volatility slots can have long dry spells before a big win comes along.